Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Democratic Party Frontrunner and malfunctioning cyborg Hillary Clinton reacts Monday to news that Barack Obama nearly matched her fundraising total of $26 million dollars. More surprising than the amount was the origin: it poured in from over 100,000 donors. It appears the people grow restless for change.

More disconcerting for Hillary lovers may be the recent Harris poll indicating that 50% of Americans would NOT vote her under any circumstances. This staggering setback in the court of public opinion, no doubt, has the Republican establishment eagerly stuffing her war chest with green in the hopes she can wrest the Party nomination away from her pragmatic and popular challenger, Obama, which would all but ensure a Republican victory in November 2008.

Advice to Democrats: If you want the White House, better ditch Capitol Hillary and Barack and roll. The best shot isn't such a long shot anymore.

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