Thursday, June 30, 2005


Oh let’s have a look at what’s going on today. Oh my – did you see this one? A woman named Kari Smith in Salt Lake City, Utah had her forehead tattooed with the web address of a gambling website for $10,000. This is a true story.

Apparently, she put her forehead up for bid on eBay where placed the winning bid by matching her asking amount. Kind of makes me wonder how much higher they would have gone. And now the part of the story you really want to know - why.

She said the money will give her 11-year-old son a private education, which she believes he needs after falling behind in school. Here is her quote:

“For the all the sacrifices everyone makes, this is a very small one,” she said. “It's a small sacrifice to build a better future for my son."

Kari, come on. You just had a web site permanently inked into the skin on the top of your face for the cost of a ’99 Accord with 75,000 miles. Are you shitting me? But I'm curious, so go on.

“To everyone else, it seems like a stupid thing to do. To me, $10,000 is like $1 million. I only live once, and I'm doing it for my son,” she said.

Sadly, it sounds to me like SHE’S the one who could use the better education. If her son is related by blood, quality of education may not be the problem. But I admire her desire to provide the very best opportunities for her boy. I really do. But now she's got to live with moc.ecalapnedloG.www on her forehead for the rest of her life. Anything short of straight A's for that kid from here on out would be a disappointment, I think.

Don Brouse, the tattoo maestro who did the deed, said he and his staff spent nearly seven hours trying to talk Kari out of turning her face into a billboard. When he finally relented, he made sure he kept the inch-tall letters close to her hairline so long bangs or a hat could provide some cover.

For the record, I would eat a piece of my own crap before tattooing the name of some company across my forehead. How about you?


Anonymous said...

Morning crap or just before you go to bed night crap? Seriously, I have heard of this kind of thing before with and always assumed it was not done with permanent ink! Maybe this is the exception rather than the meal. Oh well, bon appetite.

Anonymous said...

They say everyone has a price. I was curious after read this post, so I searched the internet for a photograph of this woman, hoping the tattoo was at least somewhat discrete, something she could easily hide when she wanted to be taken seriously. Like, say, at a JOB INTERVIEW or something. It's even worse than I could have imagined. One-inch high, solid black block letters spanning several inches across her forehead. Oh, dear god. The ultimate irony would be if the private school refuses to admit her son because she's such a freak.

Anonymous said...

Come on you guys, get real.
She got paid 10 grand to have a scar put in her forehead to send her kid to school. Even if that's not the reason she did it. I'm sure nobody knows anybody who has PAID ten grand to remove acne scars from their face so they'd be hot shit.
And, Ter, sometimes the price of a '99 accord can make or break a person's life. Sorry to get shitty about it, but life ain't always a bowl of cherries.
Connie H.

Anonymous said...

With a bowl of cherries comes a bowl of pits.

Anonymous said...

Sure, 10 grand may make or break someone, but the future consequences it has seems to tip in the direction of not favoring this tatooee. As Amy pointed out, what happens on her next job interview that she needs to continue sending her kid to school?

Contact me! said...

She could probably get a job as a receptionist at the corporate headquarters for

Just throwing that out there.