Wednesday, June 29, 2005


People read some of the shit I write, like the post that precedes this one, and wonder what the hell happened to me. An e-mail I received from my dad this afternoon may shed some light on that. Here it is, posted in its unedited entirety for your deep and joyful consideration:

"I was just thinking of you today as I was sitting on the toilet. I did a little kid thing earlier, and fell down on my bike. The details are boring, but the key here is that my thumb was injured, and is quite sore (especially every time I hit the space bar).

So anyway, there I was sitting on the toilet, and getting ready to use the toilet paper, when I realized how important that thumb is when cleaning things up. I also realized that I'm not ambidextrous.

Try doing without it sometime."

Like father, like son - eh?

Dad: Thinking about ME while on the toilet? Dammit. That's MY line!

Friendly tip of the day: Your thumb won't hurt as much if you only hit the space bar ONCE after a period, which has been the typographical standard since the advent of modern word processing. :)

(I know - I'm an ass. Maybe that's why I so frequently come to mind during your newspaper sessions.)

Here is a picture of my dad holding me as a baby. Wasn't I handsome? I think I got my hair from the Italian side of the family.


Anonymous said...

Gee, would love to see a more recent pic.......Petern

Anonymous said...

I thought 2 spaces after a period was standard. Where did you come up with this one space rule?

Contact me! said...

It's all over the internet. Go to google and type in "one space after period" and you will find countless resources. Two spaces was the norm back when typewriters roamed the earth. Now that they are extinct, we only hit the space bar once.

It's a hard habit to break...but you can do it. I have complete faith in you.

Sheila K said...

...not only that, but MSWord allows you to set your system so that the spell/grammar check KNOWS you want one space between punctuation and next sentence. One point for Bill Gates...