Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Every once in awhile, I actually get a question from the people. It used to happen a lot more frequently before the blogospheric big bang. Back then AYNtK was a weekly e-letter faithfully distributed on Friday afternoons - so much so that if it arrived just an hour late, people would write to ask if I was okay.

Nothing fosters the illusion that you matter like strangers checking in from around the globe to make sure you didn't buy the farm. These days I just throw up a post whenever it suits me and if people come, they come. Not quite as personal as the old 5pm personal delivery, but I do get to post pictures like this one.

Anyhow - back to the point of this post. (I'm easily distracted by the voices in my head). Every once in a while I actually get a question from the people. This week I received an inquiry from Joe C, who writes:

"I love your site & how you write, I'd reply more often if I could get the damn system to work for me. But since you ask, yes, I do have a burning question for you. How can I convert music written in ABC format to standard notation? Sorry, it's a bit of a specialised question, I'm hoping for a simple straightforward answer, I hope such things still exist in this high tech age." - Joe C.

Joe - first off, thanks for writing. Always good to see these keystrokes are meeting eyeballs out in the void of Internetia.

Second, there IS a way to convert music written in ABC format to standard notation. I would go through the details here, but that would be more than you need to know...which is not the name of this Blog. Instead, in the spirit of teaching a man to fish, I will direct your attention to this handy eHow link. If I understood your question correctly, this should be the direction you require.

Happy converting!

(Any more questions?)

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