Friday, August 12, 2005


An F.B.I. terrorism task force in Los Angeles has warned that "Al Qaeda leaders plan to employ various types of fuel trucks as vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices in an effort to cause mass casualties in the U.S. prior to the 19th of September. Attacks are planned specifically for New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. It is unclear whether the attacks will occur simultaneously or be spread out over a period of time, and the goal of the attack is to collapse the U.S. economy."

This warning was issued after an overseas source indicated that terrorists might seek to steal fuel tanker trucks to inflict "mass casualties" by staging an anniversary attack. Despite this threat, there are no immediate plans to raise the national threat level.

As someone who lives in Chicago and could do without a large-scale attack, I would like to encourage all truck drivers to use the Club when stopping at the Waffle House. And don't pick up hitchhikers. And lock your doors. And if someone DOES manage to spirit off in your rig with a hefty payload of flammable materials, don't call the union first. Report it to the authorities immediately.

That is all.

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